Did you know the UEN contract now includes Nearpod Math and Nearpod Social studies? Wondering how your teachers can take advantage of more content? Please join this webinar on Tuesday, April 15 at 1:00 PM MST to discover Nearpod's new Math and Social Studies resources.
4 days ago, Tom Felkins
Using nearpod Math and Social Studies flyer for a webinar
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss
8 days ago, James Sasser
A guide to choosing a book
Duchesne County School District Sterling Scholars March 6, 2025: DCSD held its annual Sterling Scholars Banquet. We want to congratulate these great students and wish them luck in the upcoming state competition.
16 days ago, James Sasser
District Sterling Scholar Students
UHS Sterling Scholars
Tabiona Sterling Scholars
Duchense Sterking Scholars
Altamont Sterling Scholars
Teachers, Utah is offering a Utah AI for K-12 Education program. You can sign-up your schools or districts for AI Training. You can access the information about how to sign-up on this digital one-pager. Teachers have an opportunity to earn $200 through this program.
16 days ago, Tom Felkins
AI for k12 Education flyer
UBTech’s Junior Senior Parent Night at the Roosevelt UBTech Campus is March 18th from 6-8pm. We have scholarships for you! Learn about earning college credit and technical certificates. Talk with instructors, and enjoy appetizers by Culinary Arts, t-shirts and prizes!
19 days ago, James Sasser
Parent Night
“You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child." Dr. Seuss
22 days ago, James Sasser
Dr. Seuss
Give your child a better future.
about 1 month ago, James Sasser
Reading to your child will change their life
Why you should read to your baby.
about 2 months ago, James Sasser
Why reading to babies really matters
Have you ever compared a book to a movie? Imagine the fun you could have doing it with your child.
2 months ago, James Sasser
Read a book, then watch the movie
The Title VI Parent meeting is coming up this Monday, January 13th, from 4:00 - 5:00 at the DCSD District Office. Parents of students in the Title VI program are always welcome to attend and help guide Title VI. We appreciate your insight.
2 months ago, Kendra Embleton
If you and your child read one book a day together, how many books will you have enjoyed by 5th grade?
3 months ago, James Sasser
How many books you can read to your child.
Three benefits of rereading books to your child.
3 months ago, Tom Felkins
Three benefits of Rereading books to your child
First Place: Logan Lucas and Jordan Lucas Second Place: Kennedy Carter and Abigail Vela Third Place: Marcie Duncan, Adilynn Ward, and Kayston Powell
3 months ago, James Sasser
Video contest winners
7 Benefits of Reading for All Ages
3 months ago, James Sasser
7 benefits of reading for all ages
Congrats to our 1st place winner. https://youtu.be/76e3ZWMlMIQ
3 months ago, James Sasser
Image of a 1st Place Trophy
Congrats to our 2nd place winner. https://youtu.be/diSePn8JMwI
3 months ago, James Sasser
decorative 2nd place icon
Congrats to our 3rd place winner. https://youtube.com/shorts/lINbAF6HjH4
3 months ago, James Sasser
Decorative 3rd  image
Free Parenting Class Love and Logic will be held at the Roosevelt Library from Jan 8th to Feb. 12th. For more information, call 435-621-5298 Follow on facebook.com/LoveandLogicUintahBasin
4 months ago, James Sasser
Love & Logic flyer
Holiday Reading Challenge for Kids
4 months ago, Tom Felkins
Holiday Reading Challenge
Countdown to Christmas
4 months ago, James Sasser
Calendar of December Reading