K - 12
"Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world."
Malala Yousafzia

Welcome! Here you will find a wealth of resources in the links to the Curriculum & Effective Teaching Guide Bookshelf, K-6 & 7-12 Proficiency Scale Banks, Graduation Credits Checklist, Recommended Books, Engagement Strategies, and Engagement Observation Tools. You will also find information on Wonders, Reveal, Online ELA/Math/Science Programs, Project Read AI-Decodable Generator, Big Ideas, MyPerspectives, Magic School AI, Science SEED Booklets/Core Guides, and Mystery Science.
K-6 | Wonders & Literacy Supports
Wonders is a K-6 Rich-text based curriculum with excellent comprehension and vocabulary instruction. Wonders should be utilized as the “spine” of our ELA curriculum. It is especially strong in its vocabulary and comprehension content. It does, however, need additional support in Phonemic Awareness and Phonics. Select the link below for a chart of supports we use. It includes Heggerty and UFLI for Phonemic Awareness Tier 1, UFLI and 95% Core for Phonics Tier 1, and 95% Intervention for Phonics Tier 2. Wonders has a Teacher's manual and multiple non-consumable student books. It also has a great deal of online resources. Login requires an access code. Contact your Induction Coach for this code. My.mheducation.com will take to you the login site.
K-6 | Reveal
Reveal Math is a K-6 Rich-task curriculum that structures direct math teaching with guided practice and manipulatives. Reveal Math is the “Spine” of our Math curriculum. The only supplementation it needs is additional instruction on the standard algorithm. This, as well as a great deal of other resources, can be found in the online Reveal Math. Reveal Math includes manipulatives, Teacher Manuals, and consumable student books. Access to Reveal Math online requires a code. Contact your Induction Coach for this code. My.mheducation.com will take to you the login site.
K-6 | Online ELA, Math, & Science Programs
For individual school programs, such as Lexia, Read180, Imagine Literacy, Dream Works, and Moby Max, please check with your school's instructional coach or administrator for training.
K-6 | Project Read AI
Decodable Generator
This site's free version allows teachers to enter words into a Decodable Generator. There are prefilled words for specific UFLI lessons, but you can also add your own words. Decodables provide vital practice for students learning new phonics skills.
7-12 | Big Ideas
Big Ideas is used by 7-12 grade Math teachers. This curriculum is an excellent resource for scaffolded Tier I instruction and practice. There are also online resources available. Big Ideas includes Teacher Manuals, and at some schools, non-consumable student books. Access to Big Ideas Math requires a code. Contact your Induction Coach for this code. www.bigideasmath.com/BIM/login will take to you the login site.
7-12 | MyPerspectives
MyPerspectives is used by 7-12 grade ELA teachers. This rigorous curriculum gives detailed instruction and resources for teachers. Each unit is themed and grouped with shorter and longer readings. Exit tickets and weekly assessments are provided. MyPerspectives comes with Teacher Manuals as well as consumable students books. There are also online resources available. SavvasRealize uses auto rostering for teachers. This allows teachers to either login directly through Classlink or go directly to the website and select "forgot password" to set up an account. If you are a 7-12 teacher and have any trouble with access, submit a tech ticket for help. If you are a SpED teacher wishing access, please contact the Curriculum Director. savvasrealize.com will take to you the login site. Additional training can be found at: https://mysavvastraining.com/products/486/overview
K-12 | Magic School AI
Magic School AI is a great resource for teachers. It can help you write lessons, notes, and more. DCSD SpED pays for a subscription each year. ALL teachers can use it. Just use your district email in the google sign-in.
K-12 | Science SEED Booklets
The Utah State Board of Education has created these printable booklets and Core Guides to support Science instruction at LEAs. Teachers may print these booklets as needed.
K-12 | Mystery Science
Mystery Science is a supplemental Science program that offers videos and lesson ideas. It is purchased yearly for the entire district, K-12. Use your district email when you log in.